BCCA Staff

Zoë Creighton, Co-Executive Director

Zoë has been involved with the BCCA since 2009 – previously as a board member, and now as part of the Co-op Development Crew. Based in Nelson, Zoë cut her teeth in the co-op sector through co-founding Kootenay Co-op Radio in 1997. She is the Executive Director of BCCA’s sister organization, the Upper Columbia Co-op Council, and an active co-op developer who loves to support groups to express their values and contribute to their communities through the co-op model.

Elvezio Del Bianco, Co-Executive Director

Elvezio (aka “Elvy”) has served as the Director for Co-operative & Government Relations with BCCA since January 2022. He works to build partnerships with governments, allied trade unions, post-secondary institutions and other civil society organizations to realize a strong enabling environment for the development and growth of cooperative enterprises. Elvy has almost twenty years’ experience in the cooperative sector as a consultant, co-op developer, and as Vancity Credit Union’s Cooperative Portfolio Manager, where he led numerous study tours exploring the cooperative economy of the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy.

Madelyn Read, Education & Communications Manager

Madelyn began volunteering with BCCA 2019 and was thrilled to join the BCCA team as Co-op Education Coordinator in March 2022. As someone who has directly benefitted from co-op education programs, Madelyn is passionate about bringing co-op education to the masses so that everyone can appreciate the benefits of co-operatives in their communities. When she’s not working for BCCA, Madelyn can be found performing and organizing arts and culture events across Vancouver.

Marla Gagnier, Co-op Development Case Manager

Marla is the Co-op Development Case Manager at BCCA, providing assistance and resources for groups wanting to start a co-op or existing co-ops looking for further support. Based in Vancouver, Marla is passionate about co-operative development and building strong, resilient, diverse, and sustainable co-operatives across the province to transform local economies and communities. She is passionate about the co-operative model – a model that is value-driven and prioritizes the needs of members while also maintaining profitability.

Winnie Wang, Finance Manager

Winnie has been with BCCA since August 2022. She enjoys working with people with diverse cultural backgrounds, respects cultural differences, and values teamwork. Winnie is passionate about learning new things. In her spare time, she likes reading, hiking and traveling around. She is also a concert and art gallery goer.

BCCA Board of Directors