Support your co-op and the co-operative movement across British Columbia
Generate revenue for your own co-op and other BC co-operatives through BCCA’s Principle 6 Deposit Pool (P6P). P6P puts the 6th Co-operative Principle – Co-operation Among Cooperatives – into action by pooling BCCA member resources for collective financial benefit. By pooling member’s operating accounts, BCCA members are able to access a preferred interest rate and ultimately increase their earnings, all while supporting other co-ops to do the same.
P6P Program Benefits and Features
- Preferred Interest Rate: Increase your earnings with an exclusive interest rate
- Savings and Chequing Benefits: Experience the perks of our P6P program on both your savings and chequing accounts.
- Preferred Monthly Account Fee: Simplify your finances with a fixed monthly rate.
- Easy Enrollment: Our streamlined enrollment process ensures you can begin accessing the benefits of P6P as soon as possible.
- 100% Deposit Guarantee: Your deposits are fully guaranteed by the provincial government (CUDIC: Credit Union Deposit Insurance Corporation of BC).
- Strengthen the Co-op Economy: Your participation contributes to building a resilient and thriving co-operative movement.
Details to know…
As long as you are a member of BCCA in good standing you can join the P6P deposit pool!
Learn more about the opportunities of P6P pool and co-operative finance on our P6P Info Sheet. For complete program details and access to the P6P Intake form, reach out to
BCCA membership is open to co-operatives, credit unions, and organizations that support co-operatives. Explore the range of benefits available to our members here.
“Brave was delighted to be invited to join the Cooperative Deposit Pool. Principle 6 is so important and normally so ethereal – it’s wonderful to have such a tangible benefit and know that we’re supporting one another as coops. We’re so grateful to Vancity for dreaming it up and making it happen! ” – Gordon Casey, Brave Co-operative