Welcome to our Co-operative Development Resource Hub! This page is designed to support your journey in building and growing successful co-operatives. Here, you’ll find a range of educational offerings that provide essential knowledge for co-op development, along with a comprehensive contact list of co-op developers across British Columbia who can assist you. Additionally, we’ve compiled information about other organizations dedicated to supporting co-op initiatives, as well as valuable resources to guide your efforts.

Equipping You for Success

BCCA offers programs and supports to help entrepreneurs launch, operate and grow co-op businesses.   

  • Co-op Workshops for staff, boards and the general public. Workshops include Co-ops 101, Governance, and Member Engagement
  • Co-operate Now  – Business skills development & training program

BC-Based Co-op Developers

BC is fortunate to have a rich network of co-operative developers available to support emerging and existing co-ops with their development needs. If your group is seeking support, see the list below which includes contact information for developers across the province. Please note, there may be a fee for service.

Elvezio Del Bianco
Area of Focus: Non-housing co-op forms, group development, incorporation documents, capital and business planning
Years of Experience: 12
Email | Phone | LinkedIn

Melanie Conn
Area of Focus: Worker, shared service, community service, women’s and newcomer co-ops
Years of Experience: 50+
Email | Phone

Joy Emmanuel
Co-op: Turning Times Research & Consulting
Area of Focus: Co-op incorporations, business plans, governance, feasibility studies, co-op funding
Years of Experience: 20 years in co-op sector, 14 as co-op developer (50+ co-ops)
Email | Phone | Website

Christine Clarke
Organization: Freedom Dreams Co-operative Education
Area of Focus: Co-op governance, incorporation, DEI, Black, Indigenous, and POC-led enterprises
Years of Experience: 5
Email | Website

Stephen Elliott-Buckley
Co-op: Canoe Portage
Area of Focus: Change management, co-op incorporation, strategic planning, membership engagement, community development
Years of Experience: Since 2012
Email | Phone | Website

Daphane Nelson
Co-op: CoActive Developments Worker Co-op
Area of Focus: Business transitions to worker co-ops, BC Interior
Years of Experience: 6
Email | LinkedIn | Website

Marty (Martin) Frost
Co-op: Coactive Developments Worker Co-op
Area of Focus: Worker co-ops, business transfers to workers, development, and training
Years of Experience: General Manager (14), Co-op Developer (31), Co-op Director (56)
Email | Phone | Website

Chris Galloway
Co-op: Coactive
Area of Focus: Business conversions to cooperatives, worker cooperatives, financial & governance support for cooperatives
Years of Experience: 29 years in financial services, including 17 in the financial cooperative sector; 6 years in cooperative development
Email | Website | LinkedIn

Susanna Collins
Co-op: GIA Co-op
Area of Focus: Member engagement, strategic planning, marketing & communications
Years of Experience: 10+ in co-ops, 25 overall in communications
Email | LinkedIn

Zoë Creighton
Co-op: Independent/Upper Columbia Co-op Council
Area of Focus: Governance, incorporation, strategic planning, facilitation, business planning, rural co-ops
Years of Experience: 25+

Marla Gagnier
Area of Focus: Co-op development, member engagement, governance
Years of Experience: 2
Email | Phone | LinkedIn

Other Co-op Development Supports

Solid State Community Industries – Solid State is based in Surrey, BC and supports the development of co-operatives led by racialized communities.

Union Co-operative Initiative (UCI) – Union Co-operative Initiative is based in Vancouver, BC and supports the development, incubation, and operation of unionized cooperatives.

Canadian Worker Co-op Federation (CWCF) – CWCF is a national federation of worker co-operatives. They offer free worker co-op workshops, a worker co-op academy, and co-op developer assistance for emerging and established worker co-operatives.

Co-operatives First – Co-operatives First  supports the development of co-ops in Western Canada, with a focus on rural and Indigenous communities.

Young Agrarians – Young Agrarians is a farmer to farmer educational resource network for new and young ecological, organic and regenerative farmers in Canada. They have tools, resources, and supports tailored to farmers looking to start co-operatives.

Available Resources

Our comprehensive Cultivating Co-ops Guide is the first step in the co-op journey. The guide answers many questions emerging co-operators may have. And as well it includes valuable tools to help your group navigate the trail – including various evaluations, checklists, and templates.  

For ideas on how to integrate equity and inclusion into your co-operative practice, head to our Equity & Inclusion Digital Library.


a place to start

Are you thinking of starting a co-op? Request your free copy of our Cultivating Co-ops Guide.


Connect with us

Have you worked through the Cultivating Co-ops guide and need more support? We can help with your next steps, from developing your idea to incorporating your co-op.