Canadian Worker Co-op Federation

BC Co-op Membership Profile |

The Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation is a national, bilingual grassroots membership organization of and for worker co-operatives, related types of co-operatives (multi-stakeholder co-ops and worker-shareholder co-ops), and organizations that support the growth and development of worker co-operatives.

Their focus includes:

  • To provide leadership and a voice for worker co-ops through:
  • Creating a vision and a strategy for the development of worker co-ops in Canada;
  • Representing the interests of worker co-ops to the co-op sector, governments, other organizations and the public;
  • Creating and maintaining adequate resources for the development of existing and new worker co-ops, both alone and in cooperation with others;
  • Increasing support for, and understanding of, worker co-ops;
  • Providing forums for networking between worker co-ops and support for regional and industrial actions on appropriate issues; and
  • Encouraging the development of worker co-ops internationally.


Their mission:

  • To work in solidarity with our members to achieve our Vision of a Co-operative Economy;
  • To support the development of new worker co-ops;
  • To strengthen the Federation, to animate the worker co-operative movement; and
  • To represent and promote the Canadian worker co-op movement in Canada and internationally.

Address: 104 – 402 30 Ave NE Calgary, AB T2E 2E3