Our 200-member national cooperative provides libraries and related organisations with the services, cost savings, and support they need to do great work in Canadian communities.
Who We Are
We build and maintain fast, reliable, secure, and well-supported IT infrastructure for our members. We also work on numerous projects that use this infrastructure for the benefit of our members. Our members include approximately 200 diverse, Canadian, not-for-profit, library-related organizations. We describe ourselves in two ways:
1. An Enterprising Not-for-Profit
Our organization was founded in 2009 to develop the Evergreen® open-source ILS to support a new generation of library service in British Columbia. Since then, we have grown in both membership and range of services to take advantage of opportunities we see for our members, and in response to what our members tell us they need in their communities. We are governed by a board elected by our members, and we welcome member participation through a number of channels
2. A Technology Leader
We help our members do a lot with a little. When it comes to IT infrastructure, our aim is to increase technological capacity in all of our members’ communities. We aim high, and as a hybrid between a traditional library consortium and a technology start-up we are a unique organization in Canada.
Mailing address: Suite 320, 185-911 Yates Street, Victoria BC V8V 4Y9