Meet the Team
BCCA Staff

Tara joined BCCA in July 2024 and is based in the qathet Region on the Sunshine Coast. A cooperative enthusiast with 15 years of experience in the credit union sector, she holds a Master’s in Cooperative and Credit Union Management, a BA in Communication, a Graduate Certificate in Social Innovation, and is a Certified Marketing Specialist. Tara is passionate about sustainable business models, climate justice, and community development. Outside work, she enjoys hiking, yoga, and reading. She co-founded the Powell River Chapter of 100+ Women Who Care, which has raised over $300,000 for local charities.

Madelyn began volunteering with BCCA 2019 and was thrilled to join the BCCA team as Co-op Education Coordinator in March 2022. As someone who has directly benefitted from co-op education programs, Madelyn is passionate about bringing co-op education to the masses so that everyone can appreciate the benefits of co-operatives in their communities. When she’s not working for BCCA, Madelyn can be found performing and organizing arts and culture events across Vancouver.

Aaron Rideout, Public Relations Manager
Aaron is passionate about digital marketing, content creation, member engagement, and excels at building relationships with diverse stakeholders. His experience spans marketing in the credit union space, co-founding a creative agency, and building a travel portal for Tofino. Outside of work, he enjoys mountain biking, skiing, and planning dance parties for parents.

Winnie has been with BCCA since August 2022. She enjoys working with people with diverse cultural backgrounds, respects cultural differences, and values teamwork. Winnie is passionate about learning new things. In her spare time, she likes reading, hiking and traveling around. She is also a concert and art gallery goer.