Co-op and credit union owners are a special bunch. They’re social entrepreneurs who care about having successful businesses, delivering quality products and services in their local economies, and strengthening their communities.

They’re also big-picture innovators who want to be a part of the new economy and make positive, lasting contributions to society. Starting a co-op can be your entry point to becoming one of these changemakers.

BC is the Place to Be for Co-ops

  • British Columbia has one of the most vibrant co-operative movements in Canada, with almost 700 co-op businesses and growing
  • BC is home to some of Canada’s largest, most established and innovative co-ops and credit unions such as MEC, Vancity Credit Union, and Stocksy — and they’re all BCCA members
  • The BCCA offers extensive support to prospective co-op startups through the comprehensive Cultivating Co-ops Guide, free introductory consulting services with professional co-op developers, and the Cooperate Now start-up bootcamp

The Co-op Business Model is Solid

Co-ops Balance People and Profits

  • The co-op model balances the need for your co-op business to make a profit with the needs of the people in your community
  • Depending on the type of co-op you establish, profits from your business may be distributed to co-op members through patronage payments
  • That money stays and circulates in your community, further benefitting and strengthening your local economy


Be Part of the Movement to Transform BC’s Economy. Become a BCCA member today.