Order of BC Seeking Nominations to Recognize  Inspiring Individuals 

Order of BC Nominations Open

Nominations are being accepted for the Order of British Columbia, the Province’s highest honour. Any person is welcome to nominate a deserving individual as a candidate for appointment to the Order of British Columbia.  The award is extended to those British Columbians who have demonstrated outstanding achievement, excellence or distinction in a field of endeavour … Continued

Funding Stream Open: Co-operative Development Program

Co-operative Development Program

Since 1992, The Co-operators has administered a program of grants dedicated to emerging and expanding co-operatives. Over $2.6 million has been provided to co-operatives across Canada through this unique program. This year the Co-operators are making up to $250,000 in grants available through the Co-operative Development Program (CDP),  in support of emerging and expanding co-operatives … Continued

Efficiency Canada Career Nights 

Efficiency Canada Career Nights

The world of energy efficiency is dynamic and varied. There are more than 436 000 Canadians working in energy efficiency – from HVAC to window installers, policy analysis to programming, energy advisors, engineers, and managers and so much more. The ‘Becoming’ series gives you a chance to get to know some of the people that … Continued

Electronic Meetings for Co-ops: Order Extended

Electronic Meetings for BC Co-ops to Continue

With the arrival of COVID-19 last March, so did the need to innovate and adapt quickly. In 2020, a ministerial order granted electronic meetings to occur as an accepted format under the Cooperative Association Act. Last month, the Ministerial Order was extended. This extension will allow fully electronic meetings to continue under the Cooperative Association … Continued

WE ARE COOPS: Cortes Community Forest Co-operative

| We Are Co-ops |
Cortes Community Forest Co-operative

The Cortes Community Forest Co-operative (CCFC) formed with the specific purpose of holding tenure of Crown lands on Cortes Island in partnership with the Klahoose First Nation. The Co-op and the Klahoose First Nation are each represented by three directors on the board of the Cortes Forestry General Partnership, which, in 2013, received tenure over … Continued

BCCA Guide: How to File Online

| Business, Education
BCCA Guide - Filing your annual report online

It is that time of the year again, as 2020 wraps up, many of our members may have noticed that filing your Annual Report looks a bit different this year. BCCA is here to help! BC Registries has launched Cooperatives Online and has replaced paper report filings with an online service. You can now change … Continued

Internship Opportunity: Special Projects Officer

Internship Opportunity - Co-op

The Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA) is the provincial trade association for co-operatives and credit unions. Our mission is a strong co-operative sector, and we work towards this ambitious goal by promoting the co-operative business structure, creating connections, supporting the co-operative sector, and inspiring co-operative innovation. Working with our strategic partner the BC Co-operative … Continued