In Memoriam: Bob Williams

| Announcements

It is with great sadness that we note the passing of cooperator Robert (Bob) Arthur Williams on July 7th, aged 91. Among his diverse work and many accomplishments -too many to list comprehensively here- Bob Williams served as a city planner for Delta, an alderman (as they were then called) for the City of Vancouver, … Continued

Reflections on British Columbia’s 2024 Provincial Budget

| Government, Uncategorized

Finance Minister Katrine Conroy’s 2024 budget for the Province of British Columbia lacks strategy for civil society. In this article, BCCA Co-Executive Director, Elvy Del Bianco, breaks down the 2024 Provincial Budget and what it means for co-operatives. The Minister notes that in the face of a cooling economy, many British Columbians are facing significant … Continued

Steadfastness and What We Can Learn From Mushrooms

| Equity and Inclusion, Uncategorized
A person with dark hair and a blue dress is walking on earth towards a tree surrounded by some mushrooms. Underneath the ground we can see a mycelial network connecting all the living beings.

Blog by Zanna Ekeroth, DEI Practitioner. As we are entering the new year in the midst of multiple crises; a genocide fuelled by Western Supremacy, legislations attacking LGBTQ+ people’s rights, and roll-backs of DEI funding at large, it can feel heavy, maybe even hopeless, to keep doing this work. In times of staggering catastrophes, it’s … Continued

Equity & Inclusion in Co-ops Year in Review

| Equity and Inclusion

A lot has happened this year, as you can see in the graphic highlighting the offerings that were co-designed, co-facilitated, and co-produced by Zanna, Litzy, and me. Taking it a layer deeper, I wanted to explore the year through contemplative reflection questions from Ekta (@journeywithcompassion on Insta). With this, a seed is being planted towards … Continued

It’s time to liberate our DEI work from Individualism

| Equity and Inclusion
Against dark blue background, the contour of 7 individuals are cut out in wood. One of the individuals are lifted up by a hand and brought closer to the camera, leaving the rest of the group behind.

Blog post written by Zanna Ekeroth. Too often in DEI conversations, we seek inspiration from people who made it “despite the odds”. We tell stories about a few exceptional individuals instead of the collective that got together to demand change. We celebrate women CEOs under the tag #girlboss, worship Oprah Winfrey for being the first … Continued

Why is it important to check your privilege?

By Litzy Baeza On March 23 the Equity and Inclusion in Co-ops Community of Practice met. Our topic and focus of discussion was centered on Positionality. “Positionality” refers to how differences in social position and power shape identities and access in society. Privilege is a big part of positionality and is the focus of this … Continued