Press Release: BC Co-operative Association Offers Support Amid Closure of BC Tree Fruits Co-operative

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Vancouver, BC, July 31, 2024 – The BC Co-operative Association (BCCA) expresses deep sadness over the closure of the BC Tree Fruits Co-operative, an iconic brand in British Columbia for over 88 years. The closure left hundreds of BC fruit farmers scrambling to find alternative ways to market their products, dealing a significant blow to … Continued

Holiday Hours 2022

Please note that we will be closed for the following dates during the holiday season:   Monday, December 26 Tuesday, December 27 Wednesday, December 28 Thursday, December 29 Friday, December 30   Individual staff might be taking additional time off during the holidays to spend time with their loved ones; please please get in touch … Continued

Shared services puts the 6th Co-operative Principle into action

Shared services put the 6th Co-operative Principle into action

After a year of development, pilots and recalibration, ACCESS is ready for BCCA members! In honour of co-op week and a strong desire to put the 6th Co-operative Principle into action, ACCESS invites BCCA Members to learn more about us and how shared services can help build community through collaboration. On behalf of BCCA and … Continued

BC Government Funding for Co-op Development

In July 2022, the BC Government funding of $2 million through a one-time government grant to British Columbia’s co-operative movement was officially announced. This funding will support co-op business development and growth, expand services, and enhance the work of co-operatives. We sat down with Elvy Del Bianco, Director, Cooperative & Government Relations, to discuss the … Continued

BC seeks input into the Provincial Co-operative Association Act

BC seeks input co-operative act

BC seeks input into the Provincial Co-operative Association Act from BCCA members and our co-operative community and is launching a review regarding co-operative associations’ incorporation and corporate governance. Your feedback submitted before the August 15, 2022 deadline could help inform vital changes to the Provincial Co-operative Association Act. The Ministry of Finance has launched a review … Continued

Democratic Member Control: The Difference that Democratic Ownership Makes in Co-operative Businesses

| Community, Education |

What gives the co-operative model an advantage over other business structures? Perhaps no quality is more distinct than democratic member control.   Unlike other business structures in which major decisions are made by a powerful few, co-operatives take a democratic approach to business. In a co-operative, the members collectively own the business and make decisions together. … Continued


| Opportunities |

Our 2022 Annual General Meeting was held in Vancouver and online on June 2. Over sixty members attended the event, where we celebrated our shared successes over the past year and identified areas where we can advocate on our members’ behalf to decision-makers on issues impacting the co-operative sector.   Approved 2022 Policy Issues   … Continued

Co-op Meet Up – Vernon

Co-op Meet Up BCCA

Much interest and enthusiasm were stirred up by the attendees the last time we connected in Vernon. So much so that the BCCA Okanagan-area team members followed through with your request to plan quarterly gatherings. Plan to attend the Co-op Meet Up, hosted by BCCA on Tuesday, June 7 in Vernon! Michelle Tsutsumi and Corinne … Continued