Okanagan Co-op Meet Up – December

| Announcements, Events, We Are Co-ops
Co-op Meet Up Okanagan

We hope you can make the next Okanagan Co-op Meet Up! Please join us for conversation, coffee, and community. As we move towards the winter holiday season – this event will be more about conversation, building community – and perhaps some reflection on the past year and sharing the one to come. Plan to attend … Continued

Shared services puts the 6th Co-operative Principle into action

Shared services put the 6th Co-operative Principle into action

After a year of development, pilots and recalibration, ACCESS is ready for BCCA members! In honour of co-op week and a strong desire to put the 6th Co-operative Principle into action, ACCESS invites BCCA Members to learn more about us and how shared services can help build community through collaboration. On behalf of BCCA and … Continued

How is your co-op celebrating Co-op Week 2022?

| Announcements, Events

Co-op Week 2022 is coming up soon! This is a chance to reflect on the contributions the co-operative sector has made to the lives of Canadians and celebrate the impact that co-operatives have in our communities. Co-op Week activities are held all across the country. BC co-ops and credit unions are strong supporters of Co-op … Continued

Speaker Series #3 – April 20 11:30am-12:30pm

Local Investment Solutions – information for Opportunity Development Co-ops or Investment Co-ops interested in raising capital The BC Co-op Association (BCCA), in collaboration with the Alberta Community & Co-operative Association (ACCA) is initiating this new project to enhance local investing across Western Canada. This project will develop a shared services approach to reduce transaction costs, … Continued

Agriculture & Food Co-op Conference & Trade Show – Summary and Thank You

We were excited to host BC’s first Agriculture & Food Co-op Conference & Trade Show at Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops on March 24 and 25. This two day event was curated through the lens of agriculture and food co-operatives, with themes that included transformational leadership to be relevant in today’s context, designing community resiliency, … Continued

Co-op Meet Up – Okanagan

Can you make it? Plan to attend the first in-real-time… in a long time… Co-op Meet Up, hosted by BCCA on March 29 in Vernon, BC. The BCCA Leadership Team is in Vernon for a few days – in town for a conference and leadership meeting. We’ve set time aside, hoping to connect with you … Continued

Co-operate Now: Co-op Development Bootcamp – March 2-5 in Nelson!

| Agriculture, Business, Community, Environment, Events

Are you part of a team interested in forming your own co-op? Join us for the next cohort of Co-operate Now: Co-op Development Bootcamp for entrepreneurs and community members ready to build their co-op enterprise. The spring session plans to be a primarily in-person affair, hosted by our friends at the Upper Columbia Co-op Council  in beautiful Nelson, BC from … Continued

BCCA Co-op Week Webinars – A Recap

| Agriculture, Education, Events |

Earlier this year, the BC Co-op Association re-focused on engaging with agriculture and food co-ops after research was conducted by Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2019. Pairing the sharing of the research findings with celebrating Co-op Week, we hosted two “pulse check” consultation sessions with BC’s agriculture and food co-operatives to identify opportunities and challenges for … Continued

2021 Co-op Week Webinars

BCCA Co-op Week

Join us for these (free) Co-op webinars in October During Co-op Week!   Pulse Check Part I: Consultation with Small & Start-Up Agriculture & Food Cooperatives Monday, October 18, 3:00 – 4:30 (PST) Register here Description: The BC Cooperative Association would like to reconnect with agriculture and food co-ops (large and small) after Kwantlen Polytech … Continued