Member survey results – what you told us

| Announcements

Earlier in 2023 we sent out a Member Satisfaction survey to each of BCCA’s 98 members. The survey this year was short and (hopefully!) sweet – we wanted to know: 1. how satisfied you are with your BCCA membership. 2. what your organizational priorities are in 2023. 3. how BCCA can assist you in reaching … Continued

Board Opportunities

| Announcements, Opportunities

BCCA is looking for candidates to fill two-year terms on our Board. Please find more information and BCCA’s nominations package here. Be sure to get your nomination in prior to the deadline – Thursday, May 11 at noon!  If you are interested in serving on the Board or require any further information, please don’t hesitate … Continued

Changes to the Cooperative Association Act – Continuing the Conversation

| Announcements, Governance, Government

Last year the provincial Ministry of Finance initiated the review “to identify and address any legislative issues that may prevent cooperative associations from functioning fully and efficiently, while also ensuring transparency and accountability … [and seek] input on any problems, gaps, uncertainties or inconsistencies in the Act, as well as any ideas on how to … Continued

Where can we help you succeed?

BCCA strives to be a member-centric organization that represents our members, provides purposeful, quality programs and services, and advocates for legislative priorities that benefit and advance the co-operative sector. To best serve our members, it is essential that we understand your needs. We want to learn more about where your priorities lie and your thoughts … Continued

2023 Speech from the Throne

| Uncategorized

In the Speech from the Throne on February 6, 2023, Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin identified the key objectives of the Province of British Columbia for the coming year. These include: helping people with the rising cost of living tackling the housing crisis strengthening access to public health care fighting climate change and building an inclusive … Continued

ACCESS Learning Series: Cyber Security Webinar

| Announcements, Education

Join us on March 15, 2023, for the upcoming ACCESS Learning Series: Cyber Security Webinar. Are you looking to improve or add a cybersecurity platform? Make plans to find out what you know  and what you don’t and how to minimize the risks to your organization proactively.  The ACCESS Team will be on hand to … Continued

Welcome Litzy Baeza

| Announcements

We are excited to welcome Litzy Baeza to the team. Litzy will be leading the 50-30 Challenge Project with the Alberta Community and Co-operative Association and she and Michelle Tsutsumi, with the BC Co-operative Association, will be co-facilitating the JEDDI in Co-ops Community of Practice sessions. Here is a bit more about Litzy: Litzy is … Continued

Cooperative Association Act – Second Round of Consultations

| Uncategorized

The Cooperative Association Act is a critical piece of legislation that provides the framework for the incorporation and governance of cooperative associations. With the intention of modernizing and improving the legislation, the Provincial Ministry of Finance launched a review of the Act last summer, including an initial round of consultations. BCCA made a substantial submission at that … Continued

50-30 Challenge & JEDDI in Co-ops Community of Practice

| Announcements

The 50 – 30 Challenge is an initiative co-created by the Government of Canada, civil society, and the private sector that aims to attain gender parity and significant representation (at least 30%) of equity-deserving groups on boards and senior management positions (aka leadership and decision-making roles). Organizations that embrace and practice justice, equity, diversity, and … Continued

Holiday Hours 2022

Please note that we will be closed for the following dates during the holiday season:   Monday, December 26 Tuesday, December 27 Wednesday, December 28 Thursday, December 29 Friday, December 30   Individual staff might be taking additional time off during the holidays to spend time with their loved ones; please please get in touch … Continued