The Cooperative Association Act is a critical piece of legislation that provides the framework for the incorporation and governance of cooperative associations.
With the intention of modernizing and improving the legislation, the Provincial Ministry of Finance launched a review of the Act last summer, including an initial round of consultations. BCCA made a substantial submission at that time.
The Ministry produced a consultation paper discussion capturing the suggestions made. That document is available here.
The Ministry of Finance is now organizing a second round of consultations and a series of round table discussions on specific topics. BCCA will participate in this process. If you are interested in contributing, comments and round table requests can be sent to Coop.Consultation@gov.bc.ca or by mail to:
Financial and Corporate Sector Policy Branch
Ministry of Finance
PO Box 9418 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V1
The deadline for feedback is April 30, 2023.
For more information, please click here.