We’d like to welcome BCCA’s newest members – Language Partners BC, Solid State Community Industries, and Coast Car Co-op. Here’s a little information about the newest members of BCCA’s family. Click the links to learn more!
Language partners bc
Language Partners BC is a volunteer-run co-operative organization that creates and supports free language exchange programs in British Columbia. Their programs usually bring neighbours together face-to-face to improve language fluency and build community. Language Partners BC partners with organizations and institutions to spread the word and share space, and they train their facilitators themselves.
solid state
Based in Surrey, Solid State Community Industries helps people from racialized backgrounds build their own enterprises, primarily but not exclusively in the form of worker co-operatives. Solid State believes that through working co-operatively we can foster a greater sense of place and belonging, and a different way of being in the world. They help their cohorts grow and thrive through mentorship, co-working space, funding, technical training, resources, and other organizational support.
coast car co-op
Coast Car Co-op is 100% member-owned, not-for-profit carsharing service. They provide an affordable and sustainable alternative to traditional car ownership to help people go where they need to go. The Coast Car Co-op’s mission is to promote sustainable, inclusive and environmentally responsible communities on the Sunshine Coast by offering members access to affordable, safe, reliable transportation options, where they need them, when they need them.