Join us for an initial conversation (for us) about JEDDI (justice, equity, diversity, decolonization, inclusion) in co-ops. BCCA and ACCA will share resources to support co-ops in enacting practices that build an organizational culture where all voices are heard and celebrated.
We would love to hear about JEDDI practices being embodied by co-ops and credit unions and welcome interest in a community of practice that will be launching in the fall. This work is part of BCCA’s participation in the 50 – 30 challenge
Register to attend by clicking here!
What is the 50-30 Challenge?
The 50 – 30 Challenge is an initiative co-created by the Government of Canada, civil society, and the private sector that aims to attain gender parity and significant representation (at least 30%) of equity-deserving groups on boards and senior management positions (aka leadership and decision-making roles). By joining the challenge, participants will have access to programming, peer-to-peer mentorship, and shared resources such as plans and processes.