Reconnect with Co-op Roots! Grow your Contacts at the BC Agriculture & Food Co-op Conference and trade show.
Join the BCCA team and our event sponsor Vancity in Kamloops on March 24 & 25, 2022, for the first BC Agriculture and Food Co-op Conference and Trade Show. Set time aside to reconnect with the roots of co-operatives. Grow your contacts – connect with new and familiar faces, either face-to-face (IRT) or virtually.
BC’s first Agriculture & Food Co-op Conference and Trade Show is a collaborative in-person space where members, academics, policymakers, and ‘co-op curious’ folks can network, dive into deeper conversations, explore the trade show, and participate in sessions with practical takeaways. Our intention for this conference is to elevate awareness and support the development of co-ops in BC’s agriculture and food landscape.
Each session will be grounded in information-sharing and experiential stories, then amplified with table discussions to explore topics identified as needs in the co-op space.
Join us in person, in Kamloops BC on March 24 & 25, 2022, or online for the virtual event. Registration is now open, and filling up fast – don’t miss out! Register here
Sharing information, frameworks, and best practices from various jurisdictions will help to illuminate the ways in which agriculture and food co-ops contribute to economic recovery, employment, and farmer sustainability. This will be a highly generative space and we hope that you will join us in the conversations we want to facilitate and the collaborations that we would like to foster.
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BC Co-op Association gratefully acknowledges the funding support of the Government of Canada’s Canadian Agricultural Partnership and the B.C. Government’s Feed BC initiative.
With much gratitude to our sponsors for helping to bring this event to life!
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Sponsorship & Trade Show Opportunities
Let us help grow your corporate brand! Connect with conference goers and allies before, during and after the conference!
Your support will be essential to the success of this inaugural event in BC for agriculture and food co-operatives. We invite you to review our range of sponsorship opportunities and choose an offering that makes the best sense for your organization. Your decision will positively impact the experience of our conference-goers and will influence how the BCCA team will share out your brand and co-operative spirit with the agricultural co-operative community, supporters in Western Canada, and beyond.
Interested? Please connect with Michelle at coopinnovation@bcca.coop to learn more about sponsorship and trade show offerings that will add value to the event while giving you the opportunity to stand out. Click here to review the 2022 Sponsorship Opportunities.